Clover Brito, CEO and Founder of G-Talent, shares advice for new entrepreneurs who have grown the G-Talent academy into one of the fastest-growing online learning destinations in the region , with more than 250,000 students in 18 countries around the world in just two years and belonging to the club of startups valued at more than 10 million dollars. 6 Keys for new entrepreneurs 1. In your early stages, rehearse until exhaustion In the early stages of any business, the only certainty is that no matter how much we analyze or plan processes and/or products, we won't know if it works until we try it. Even by trying it you will not know if it is better or worse than another, unless you carry out several tests comparing their results and always seeking to be the best. So, in your early stages, it is absolutely key to constantly generate new ideas that challenge the way you operate today, and that idea has to be at least 2 times better than what you have today . It is a risk, yes, but you should not be afraid to start from scratch. It is key to turn your business, at an early stage, into a “machine” for solutions and innovation. 20% EXTRA DISCOUNT Get started today and get fully certified in Entrepreneurship: Create your Business Plan with our course 100% online at your own pace Practical exercises Lifetime Access Certified endorsed Apply the coupon [ATREVETE] and get an extra 20% discount for only 100 students. Click the button and join! Learn more 2. Make sure the problem you solve is very big Analyze the impact that your product or service has on people. The bigger the problem you are going to solve, the more attractive your business will become to potential new investors. That's what happens to us, there are between five and seven million visits a year from users who are looking to master in a practical way, at their own pace and at affordable prices, the skills that offer better job opportunities today . Before, they didn't know which skills to learn, how to acquire them at their own pace or the prices were too high. G-Talent came to solve that for them. 3. Look for the business to be recurring and scalable What is the key element that helped G-Talent grow? That the project is exponential. If your business is not exponential, it will be difficult to attract the attention of investors and achieve growth with above-average returns. Although this is the heart of G-Talent's formula for success, I recommend that you do not overlook three aspects without which the growth of the Academy could not be explained: PEOPLE: Make sure you have the right team, as it is difficult to attract talent when you are just starting out. In the early stages, results are key and only with talent can they be achieved. BUSINESS MODEL: Look for your business to be recurring and scalable; this will allow you to continue growing, DECISIONS: Use technology and data to make decisions. 4. Cultivate your will and persistence Entrepreneurship, in most cases, means sailing against the wind, so your ability to postpone short-term benefits for greater medium- and long-term results will be essential in your early-stage business. "The basis of persistence is willpower," says American writer Napoleon Hill in his best-seller "Think and Grow Rich." Entrepreneurship is a continuous struggle against the adversities that are often encountered on the way to success. The walk up that slope does not require sprinters to get to the goal faster because it is not a competition with others, but a major purpose that must arise from within you. “Weak desires produce weak results in the same way that a small amount of fire produces little heat,” says the writer to highlight the importance of keeping the intensity of desires high, since they are the fuel for the will. Intensity, or passion, as I like to call it, creates movement; it makes a plan leave the paper and become something tangible, and persistence is that tiny, continuous drop of water that can shape stone. “Experience with thousands of people has shown that lack of persistence is a common weakness of most men. A weakness that can be overcome with effort. The ease with which lack of persistence can be conquered depends entirely on the intensity of desire,” Hill notes in his book and has been another of the essential elements in G-Talent. Developing the habit of persistence is imperative for entrepreneurs, and Hill says those who do so can enjoy “insurance against failure.” Consider that it is a mental state that can be cultivated by taking into account the following guidelines: 1.- Accuracy in purpose: Knowing what you want is the first and perhaps most important step towards developing persistence. 2.- Desire: It is easy to be persistent if you pursue a goal with intense desire. 3.- Self-confidence: Belief in one's own ability and capacity to carry out a plan encourages one to put it into practice with perseverance. 4.- Accuracy in plans: Solidly organized plans always encourage perseverance. 5.- Cooperation: Sympathy, understanding and harmonious cooperation with others helps develop persistence. 6.- Willpower: The habit of concentrating thoughts on making plans that lead to the achievement of a defined purpose leads to persistence. 7.- Habit: Perseverance is the direct result of habit. For example, fear, the worst of all enemies, can be effectively eliminated by the forced repetition of acts of courage. FREE DOWNLOAD If you want to know more, download our free Ebook Entrepreneurship: Create your Business Plan and enjoy learning with all the information we have for you. Identify the skills you need to start a business and start creating your Business Plan now. 5. Without evolution there is no success No matter what, we have to always be in constant evolution, knowing that our product is never finished. The world is constantly evolving, and so will your competitors and users, so never think that your product or service is finished. Dedicate time and people to proposing and implementing changes that keep your brand up-to-date and cutting-edge. 6. Prioritize or you can get lost in a hundred ideas You'll have a lot of ideas, especially in the early stages, so focusing on what's most important or necessary is key to not getting lost. One way to prioritize them is by evaluating which of them can move your "results needle" faster, so starting with these initiatives is crucial. CONCLUSIONS If I have to summarize and share with you 4 key tips for your early-stage entrepreneurship, I would leave you with the following: Educate your will to be able to postpone short-term well-being for a greater medium- and long-term purpose. Constantly rehearsing , thinking that our product is never finished helps us to continually generate ideas and put them into action. The world and your competitors are constantly evolving... don't stop! Testing the model at an early stage is feasible with a very low investment, it uses agile methodologies, it confirms from the beginning that we actually have a product or service that correctly satisfies a need and that you can get people willing to pay for them under a systematic and ideally scalable approach. Seeking recurrence and scalability of our business must be in our "entrepreneurial DNA", from the early stage think about how the business can be exponential, in addition, this will open doors to potential investors. Surrounding yourself with talented people is important, but in my opinion, what is needed are people who are committed to the purpose and who are not afraid to put themselves into any position they find within the company, especially in the early stages. I wish you success in your venture and I hope that sharing these tips for new entrepreneurs will help you in your great goal of growing your business. Courses that may interest you Do you want to acquire more skills for new entrepreneurs and achieve success on the path of entrepreneurship? We also recommend our Google Ads, Digital Marketing Fundamentals and Advanced Leadership Program courses, so that you can make the most of this skill in the world of entrepreneurship. See product See product See product See product