Managing money correctly is not an easy task. Many times we fall into temptations that play tricks on us and make unnecessary expenses, or simply, we do not have enough money to save and have a backup in case of any emergency at home. However, if you maintain personal planning , you can create different strategies to best address the different financial situations that arise. Having a financial plan will help you achieve your goals. We often think that a financial plan only includes retirement financing. But, while it is true that saving for your golden years is a fundamental part of a strategy for your personal finances , you should not forget other important points such as: ✅ Create a budget ✅ Set goals ✅ Invest periodically ✅ Take care of estate planning No matter what level of experience you have, you can never be too informed or educated about the best way to achieve those goals within your personal finances . Helpful Tips for Your Personal Finances: 1. Set a budget for your personal finances Planning a budget for your personal finances is the key to managing all your expenses and savings. If you don't keep a budget, you'll likely end up spending more than you plan to and saving less than you want. Start by tracking your expenses for a period of one month. An easy way to do this is to write down every bill you pay and every single thing you buy, from your personal expenses to your transportation expenses or your daily coffee. Trust us, it's a very useful way to manage your personal finances . At the end of the month, compare your expenses and balance your accounts, request information regarding expenses and needs. Obviously, there are expenses that are fixed, such as housing, food, utilities, etc. Now, in relation to other needs, you need and decide what you can do without. Of course, we do not recommend cutting all expenses, depriving yourself of certain things that could trigger an avalanche of expenses that could affect your budget and your personal finances , which in the end will not help you at all. 20% EXTRA DISCOUNT Get started today and get fully certified with our Personal Finance Planning course 100% online at your own pace Practical exercises Lifetime Access Certified endorsed Apply the coupon [DARE] and get an extra 20% discount for only 100 students. Click the button and join! Learn more 2. Set financial goals in your personal finances It may help you stick to a budget if you set financial goals that are important to you. Set short-term goals such as: ✅ Pay off credit card debt ✅ Buy a new car. ✅ Take a vacation. Likewise, you can also set long-term goals, which could include: ✅ Save for a down payment on a home. ✅ Your retirement fund. ✅ Your children's university tuition. Once you have set your goals, set deadlines for achieving them. This will help you determine how much of your budget you should have available each month. Review your personal financial goals frequently to keep them in mind. It is normal that at some point you deviate from your goals, if this happens, do not give up. Reassess the situation and continue working towards your goals so that you can optimize your personal finances. 3. Periodic savings in your personal finances. Having a savings plan can help you make big changes in your personal finances over time. You may think that not having large sums of money is not enough to save. But this is not true, when you are starting to save, you do not need a large sum of money. You can start slowly and gradually. Continue this way as you adjust to your new financial habits. Your savings plan should include a way to invest. After you have done this for a while, and when you have adapted to living with less money, increase the amount you save, maybe 1% or 2%. 4. Review your estate planning for your personal finances Although estate planning is a very important aspect of personal finance , it can be a difficult process for those who are just starting out. According to research, it has been discovered that fewer and fewer people are engaged in estate planning. Few people take the time to plan and draft estate documents such as a power of attorney or a financial or health care trust . A will is an excellent starting point for this process. This document ensures that all of your assets, such as your home, property, savings, or investments, will be transferred to whomever or however you wish, after your death. Good planning of your personal finances is the key to achieving the goals and objectives you seek, whether in the short or long term. Remember that it is never too late to start planning, saving and investing. FREE DOWNLOAD We know that managing personal finances is no easy task, which is why we offer you this completely FREE resource so you can learn how to plan your personal finances. 4 Apps to manage your personal finances We know that dealing with saving money, paying off debts and controlling your personal finances on a daily basis can be a bit complicated. But thanks to technology, today we can count on various applications that help us have greater control over our personal finances. We show you 4 of the best apps so you can keep track of your personal finances from your mobile phone. 1. Finerio for your personal finances It allows you to create budgets and gives you the ability to set a spending limit and shows you if you have exceeded your budget. 2. Kambista for your personal finances If you want to exchange soles for dollars, pay rent or make a transfer, this app is ideal for doing it quickly and safely. 3. Splitwise for your personal finances This app is the ideal option when it comes to splitting bills and expenses, as it ensures that everyone involved is reimbursed. With Splitwise you can split bills with your roommates, calculate the costs and expenses of a group trip, or simply remember when a friend lends you money and you need to pay it back on time so it doesn't affect your personal finances. 4. MoneyWiz for your personal finances With MoneyWiz, you can review your accounts and transactions in one place, and it also allows you to synchronize your banks. You can manage and have control over your cryptocurrencies and investment portfolio, so you can create budgets that organize your personal finances. Courses that may interest you Do you want to acquire more skills to manage your personal finances? We remind you to also check out our courses Entrepreneurship: Create your Business Plan, Create your First Store in Shopify and Planning and Budgeting.