Previously known as Google Adwords , it is a digital marketing tool belonging to Google, which allows you to create ads and manage the advertising of your products on the web around the world.
One of the main benefits of Google Ads is that it allows you to reach a large number of people and, most importantly, you do not need to make large monetary investments to increase the profitability of your business.
What does this Tool offer?
Creating posts or campaigns in Google Ads is simple, its main objective is to improve your visibility in the Google Display Network , being the customer acquisition methods most used by experts.
It also uses Machine Learning to provide you with solutions to improve your ads. In other words, it takes information from your audience and the interactions generated to achieve greater performance in each advertising format used in your campaigns, thus increasing profitability and achieving greater efficiency in your investment.
What is it for?
Google Ads is used by entrepreneurs or any organization as a very useful growth and positioning tool on the web. The platform offers ads on the search engine results page (SERP), which are the results pages that are seen in the search engine when a user initiates a search and also on other websites in its display network.
The main objective of advertising on Google Ads is to increase a brand's presence on the web. The platform provides all the resources and facilities to position your brand on the web. In other words, Google Ads' function is to facilitate the creation of ads that are shown to people browsing through Google or its entire network.
How does Google Ads work?
It is based on the searches that users make on Google , and you can use it to create ads that are shown on the display network. It is important to know that Google charges advertisers based on the clicks that users make on each advertisement, however, you are the one who decides how much and how to invest in advertising.
Google Ads Ads
Ads in Google Ads appear in different places on the web and arise from their objective, such as who to show them to and the types of campaigns they create,
These can be classified into 4 groups:
1️⃣Google search and other search sites.
2️⃣ The websites your customers visit.
3️⃣On different devices.
4️⃣By conditioning or selected languages.
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Google Ads Campaigns
Advertising with Google Ads begins by creating a campaign, which you choose to create based on the advertising objectives you want to achieve.
Objectives include:
✅Potential clients.
✅Website traffic.
✅Consideration of the brand and the product.
✅Brand awareness and reach.
✅Application promotion.
The campaign type determines where customers will be able to see your ads, some campaign types are:
✅Display network.
Advantages of Google Ads campaigns
1. Increase Online Sales
The first advantage of Google Adwords could not be otherwise. It sells more. This is the easiest one. You invest in advertising and you increase sales. effect and counterattack. But it is important that you know how to use Google Adwords correctly. Running ads is easy, but optimizing campaigns and maximizing ROI is another matter entirely. This requires experience and deep knowledge.
2. Keyword Planner
If we start using AdWords while we have an active campaign, we can get accurate data from its keyword tool. This gives us important information to choose the conditions under which we bid on our ads.
In fact, however, it is used almost more to plan content and SEO strategies. Because it tells us about the exact search reach that the keyword has. And if we don't have an active campaign, the data returned will no longer be accurate, but will be in a range of 1,000 to 10,000.
3. Responsiveness.
When you start a web project, it takes time and effort to get visits with organic traffic through SEO positioning. The first positions are not achieved overnight.
But thanks to PPC campaigns, we can get traffic from the moment they are activated. Ads are the first results and occupy 20-30% of the clicks on the results page.
So the best way to get people to visit a website is through search engine advertising. Total immediacy.
4. Qualified Traffic
The best thing that search engine advertising campaigns do is what we call qualified traffic. In an online environment, the obsession is almost always to get a lot of online visitors so that we have a better chance of them ending up buying something.
But what if instead of receiving many visits we made sure that they were really people interested in buying our services or products? This is qualified traffic. Users who are already interested in purchasing our products or services.
Google Ads allows you to reach new customers and grow your business. It is the tool you need to promote your products and services through one of the most successful platforms on the web.
We hope you have been able to understand what Google Ads is and what it is used for.
Optimizing your campaigns on the various digital networks is possible and, above all, necessary for the success of your business. We invite you to join our course:
🔷 Google Ads 🔷
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