7 tips to find the best talent in the market
For your business to grow, it is necessary to find the best, most suitable and committed talent that will contribute to the success of the company.
Finding the best talent , regardless of the field of work, requires a lot of time and effort, not only in evaluating candidates and interviewing, but also in the process that begins once the person is hired.
The person in charge of these activities will spend part of their working time locating, orienting and teaching new workers. Not to mention the paperwork involved in adding a new employee to the payroll.
Therefore, knowing how to hire the right professional is key to improving performance.
Take into consideration: finding the best talent
Finding the best talent is such a big task that many companies have a Human Resources department dedicated to this and related tasks.
Whether you, as an owner, are in charge of recruiting or you are in HR and recruiting, you know the importance of knowing how to select the right candidate quickly, since true talent is scarce.
For this reason, today we present you some tips for recruiting staff in a simple and efficient way.
1. Detail the profile you are looking for
It is necessary to carefully determine the functions that the person you are looking for must fulfill, in this way, locating the best talent available in the market will be easier.
If you don't have a detailed profile yet, make a list of the activities the position must perform every day and list next to them what skills are necessary to carry out the job.
Also consider whether the position requires one person to work 200 hours a month or whether it's better to outsource to a freelance professional, which is a faster and cheaper alternative.
Once your profile is set up, you can write your ad and publish it.
2. Avoid asking for resumes at the beginning
This is one way to free up your inbox. You can use tools like Wufoo , G-Talent , or Google Forms to create a form with specific questions.
In addition to the required information, such as name, email and contact phone number, use the profile you created to ask questions about specific knowledge , such as:
- None.
- Essential.
- Intermediate.
- Advanced.
It's a quicker way to find out your level of mastery of a particular skill, without reading too much.
This will allow you to more easily rule out those who do not have the characteristics you need and will also make it easier for you to compare one profile with another.
An easier alternative:
It is using a work platform , where you specify the skills you need, this way you will not have to fill out forms.
In these, most candidates have experience in a specific area and apply for jobs only in that field.
I am a Freelancer, for example, sends invitations to collaborate only to professionals whose skills described in their profile match your request.
This way you will find better filtered candidates and by having them all in a standard format, it will be easier to compare.
3. Choose carefully where to publish your ad
Of course, when selecting candidates, it is advisable to have a good number of applicants. However, the most important thing is that they are qualified to perform the job correctly.
By posting in newspapers, social networks, forums or popular sites, although you will receive many applications, there will also be a large number of unsuitable candidates.
It is preferable to limit your search to job platforms that include professionals in your area of interest.
4. Pre-select and request resumes
Don't wait too long to select a candidate. Usually, 3 or 4 days is enough time to accept applications.
Once you have several candidates, discard those that do not meet the characteristics of the position you are seeking.
Stick to just 7 or 8 profiles, and only ask them for their updated CV.
At this point, you will have saved yourself from reviewing dozens of resumes, and you will be able to see each candidate's experience in more detail.
Select 2 or 3 candidates and, during the interview, ask about their job expectations and availability.
Try to do it within the same work week.
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5. Hire for paid trial periods
Once you've arrived here, you've filtered out most of the technical areas. That is, you've been left with the candidates who are qualified to meet the requirements of the position.
When you begin the hiring process, it's time to focus on the candidate's personal profile, skills, work performed, etc. Find out about their experience and how their talent can contribute to your company.
It is important that the candidate has a relatively flexible schedule and is interested in joining under a trial period that allows your organization to confirm the candidate's skills or degree of integration with the organizational culture. They should also have the ability to act if a weekend is required.
Tips that will help you:
- Consider candidates who demonstrate professional communication skills and an understanding of the responsibilities and duties of the position.
- Check out the candidates' experience and see if they have worked in similar roles and how they would handle a particular issue in your business.
Select the candidate that best fits the job description, without completely ruling out the others.
6. Trial periods before hiring
An alternative to the hiring process is to start with a paid trial. This can last a week or even 30 days, to see how you get on.
Another option is to assign a specific project to be carried out and draw up a contract for a defined period. After that, you can decide whether to draw up a permanent contract.
You can choose to hire professionals who offer freelance services.
This way, you will only pay for the work completed and for the period of time you require it. In addition to that, you will eliminate the entire process of registering with social security, payroll, etc.
After hiring, you can train the worker to perform specific tasks or assignments in areas that he or she is unfamiliar with.
7. Outsource everything you can
If it is a position or activity that does not require frequent supervision, or the use of specialized in-house equipment, or if it can be performed remotely, it is best to hire the services of a freelance professional.
There are many parts of work you can outsource, from social media management, a virtual assistant, and digital marketing, to managing and improving your website.
Freelancers are usually professionals who are experts in their field. They have worked on a variety of projects or tasks similar to the one required and provide good ideas for improving the work.
They have a flexible and adaptable schedule, they seek to offer the best service since they see you as a client and not as a boss. Hiring a freelancer will save you money and paperwork.
How to outsource freelance work more easily?
The best thing to do is to use a job platform like SoyFreelancer.com or similar, where you can detail exactly the skills you are looking for and see the profiles of all the candidates in a single format for easy comparison.
When the job is done, if he needs anything else in the future you can repost and invite him to participate again.
8. Implement e-learning inductions
The induction cycle of a new employee in the organization is a key success factor, in fact, it is estimated that more than 30% of the candidates who leave their jobs in the first three (3) months is due to a poor induction process to the organization and their job.
The demands of daily life, the cost of time, high turnover, resistance to transferring knowledge or low level of collaboration between members of the organization, may be some of the factors that cause new employees not to receive a timely and adequate induction to the organization and their job.
Courses that may interest you
Do you want to acquire more skills for your employees' workplace safety? We also recommend that you learn about our courses on Time Management and Productivity, Wellbeing and Positive Psychology, and the Advanced Leadership Program.